In pondering what to write to honor the memory of my grandmother, Eda, I decided to simply look up the definition of the word grandmother. The definition of Grandmother from the Merriam Webster Dictionary is simply stated as the mother of your father or mother. This definition is very lacking as everyone has a different definition for their relationship with their grandmother, grandma, or nana. It is so much more than just words. It is a very special relationship that one has the privilege of cherishing over the course of their life. Eda was my grandmother. She was the kindest person I have had the privilege of knowing. In the course of my 29 years of knowing my grandmother, she has never forgotten my birthday. Every year without fail she sent me a card with a little money to spend on something nice. I have always appreciated it. My last birthday card from her was handwritten. She took the time, possibly hours, to write out how much she loved me. I saved that card and have it where I can see it everyday. Even though we were miles apart, our love was unconditional. I remember when I was a teenager how she sent me a gorgeous jewelry pot that she had hand painted. It was painted in pinks and greens with a metallic marbleized sheen to it's surface. It was the most beautiful thing that anyone had ever given me. It made me feel so special and grown up, because at that age we all longed for the years when we would be wise. Every time I called she would always have this pleasantly surprised tone to her voice. She called me sweetheart and dear. She always asked me if I had met a nice boy and if we'd be getting married. While I wish she could be there for that moment in my life, I am glad that she is now happily in heaven as she wished and is reunited with all of her past loved ones. She will never be forgotten because she will be in all of our hearts.